From Wall Street to Chicago, why stock exchanges ring bells
·1 min
The New York Stock Exchange, the largest in the world, opens and closes each trading session with the sound of a bell. The iconic bell ringing is seen as a celebration of the market’s resilience. While there used to be thousands of people on the NYSE trading floor, now there are only a few hundred. Anyone can apply to ring the bell, with the opportunity often given to companies listed on the NYSE. The Chicago Board Options Exchange also has a bell ringing tradition, and guests are encouraged to ring it with enthusiasm. The bell ringing ceremonies at the Nasdaq Exchange honor the connection between Wall Street and Main Street. The ceremonies are often observed by pedestrians outside the exchange. The bell ringing has presented both joyous and somber occasions throughout history, including its suspension following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Former floor brokers still feel a connection to the market’s hours and some even listen to the opening bell on TV every morning.